• Blue Moon Promise

    By Colleen Coble Blue Moon Promise is a book that intermixes relationship, conflict and faith. Lucy Marsh’s life is turned upside down after losing her job shortly after her father died, and she is caring for her two younger siblings on her own. The stage is set, and Coble immediately jumps into intrigue. Someone breaks […]

  • Rambling

    As I sit here writing, working on articles for a newspaper, the sun is beckoning me outside, teasing me with its perceived warmth, taunting me to abandon my current quest for the adventure of soul food. To further draw me away, I look above my computer, out the window, and see a magnificent cardinal perched […]

  • New Year’s Resolutions

    This is February already! What am I doing writing about New Year’s resolutions? I’ve been so busy, I haven’t even made any resolutions yet. This year, I’ve decided to start a new system: Since most of us break our resolutions within the first three weeks of January, I decided to wait until February to begin […]

  • Canoeing with the Cree

    By Eric Sevareid Imagine two teenagers paddling a canoe from Minneapolis to the Hudson Bay without the benefits of GPS, cell phones or tracking systems. That is what Eric Sevareid and Walter C. Port chose to do in 1930. It was the day after graduation from high school when they launched their used 18-foot canoe […]

  • Scrabble challenge

    Take the words from our Christmas Day scrabble game and write a story that includes each word at least once and submit it to me through the comment section. The story should be no more than 250 words. THE WORDS: Went, blamer, gin, he, hoe, out, my, live, tine, cart, or, the, coon, moons, smile, […]

  • December 20 words

    DECEMBER 20 WORDS: Love, hope, present, yellow, Christmas, frost plug, brick.