December 6 words

DECEMBER 6 WORDS: Gibberish, politics, monumental, blue, fish, umbrella, annex. … [Read more...]


November 29 words

NOVEMBER 29 WORDS: Joy, windmill, terracotta, balsam fir, rainbow, angry, tomorrow. … [Read more...]


November 23 words

NOVEMBER 23 WORDS: Schedule, shimmy, sunset, sully, sentiment, skip, stupid. … [Read more...]


November 17 words

NOVEMBER 17 WORDS: Febrile, corkscrew, fast, sloppy, plant, tractor.   Please submit your story through the comment section below. … [Read more...]


November 8 Words

NOVEMBER 8 WORDS: Bark, purple, fence, crackling, race, ginger and box.   Please submit your story through the comment box below. … [Read more...]


November 1 words

Sharpen your pencil, or keyboard, or iphone or whatever you write with. This month's project is a creativity stimulator. The object of the project is to take the seven words posted each week and create a short story that includes each of the seven words. The sky's the limit, as long as the story is less than 250 words. Submit the stories to me and I will post them on this site.       THIS WEEK'S WORDS: Orange, tree, sprinkle, mouse, gun, underwear and tissue   Please submit your story through the comment box below. … [Read more...]

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Letter 2

She stepped off the train, her stiletto heels clicking on the concrete platform at Union Station. Her slender fingers slid into her coat pocket to make sure the letter was still there. The letter is what brought her to Chicago in the first place.Her editor thought she was crazy when she burst into his office the day before, giving one day notice that she would be gone for two weeks. She could see the veins in his neck quickly enlarge through his dark brown skin, and his eyes narrowed as they always did when he was angry.“You can’t do this to me right now,” he said. “The story you are working on is too important.”But she had to leave for Chicago the next day. She didn’t tell him why. She just said it was a family emergency. “We’ll see if you have a job when you get back,” he said as she turned to walk out the door. All her co-workers had listened to everything, though they pretended to be working. Everyone had treated her differently since her husband died six months ago. It was as if they were afraid she would break if they talked to her. Maybe his sudden death brought mortality too close to home. She didn’t dare tell any of them about the letter for fear they would think … [Read more...]

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The Letter

She stepped off the train, her stiletto heels clicking on the concrete platform at Union Station. Her slender fingers slid into her coat pocket to make sure the letter was still there. The letter is what brought her to Chicago in the first place.Her editor thought she was crazy when she burst into his office the day before, giving one day notice that she would be gone for two weeks. She could see the veins in his neck quickly enlarge through his dark brown skin, and his eyes narrowed as they always did when he was angry.“You can’t do this to me right now,” he said. “The story you are working on is too important.” But she had to leave for Chicago the next day. She didn’t tell him why. She just said it was a family emergency. “We’ll see if you have a job when you get back,” he said as she turned to walk out the door. All her co-workers had listened to everything, though they pretended to be working. Everyone had treated her differently since her husband died six months ago. It was as if they were afraid she would break if they talked to her. Maybe his sudden death brought mortality too close to home. She didn’t dare tell any of them about the letter for fear they would … [Read more...]
