• Sleeping child

        This is a photo prompt project. Study the photo and let your? mind wander. Then write a story about the photo, describing whatever images or emotions or adventures the photo stimulates. Submit your story to me through the comment section below, and it will be posted on the site. The sky’s the limit, […]

  • Scrabble challenge

    Take the words from our Christmas Day scrabble game and write a story that includes each word at least once and submit it to me through the comment section. The story should be no more than 250 words. THE WORDS: Went, blamer, gin, he, hoe, out, my, live, tine, cart, or, the, coon, moons, smile, […]

  • December 20 words

    DECEMBER 20 WORDS: Love, hope, present, yellow, Christmas, frost plug, brick.

  • December 15 words

    DECEMBER 15 WORDS: Green, rancid, airplane, concrete, slowly, create, solipsism.

  • December 6 words

    DECEMBER 6 WORDS: Gibberish, politics, monumental, blue, fish, umbrella, annex.

  • November 29 words

    NOVEMBER 29 WORDS: Joy, windmill, terracotta, balsam fir, rainbow, angry, tomorrow.