• Creating a Self-Watering Planter

      I am so pleased this self-watering planter worked!   There are so many different ideas when it comes to building a self-watering planter, but they all head in the same direction: Having a well at the bottom of the planter with a wick to draw the water up to the plants’ roots. I pooled […]

  • Creativity a part of survival

    Creativity a part of survival

    Creativity. Life has a way of crowding out creativity. But what is life if not creative?   Survival. Survival at the mercy of our society’s structure.   But there are those who don’t survive very well without following the creative impulses, whether they lead to inventing, or organizing, or creating beauty through words, color or […]

  • Finding permission to be called a writer

    I am a writer.   It is that simple. I AM a writer.   How can I call myself a writer when there is little current evidence of my craft? That question often plagues me and holds me down like a wrecking ball resting on a pile of broken walls. I also transfer that question into others, […]

  • Strengthening the crackling veneer

    Have you ever felt broken? Like someone else is living in your body?   I have, and I think the other person’s name is Meno Pause. Meno has more depressed days than I ever had, is less tolerant of others and is so fragile that little things crackle the veneer that holds her together, sending […]

  • Creating a layered herb pot

    I am truly a reduce, reuse, recycle person. When something is heading for the garbage, I often see ways to repurpose it. Like the 5-inch-tall cardboard tubes that hold labels we use at work. I was watching the 6-inch diameter tubes adding up in the recycle box and wham, I was struck with the idea […]

  • Enchantment in the hills

    As I enter my columns into the computer I realize how much my writing has changed over the years. I really need to edit the columns I wrote in the early days. Anyway, while writing during a lull at one of my recent book signings, I was struck with the idea of blogging about being […]