• Book Launch Celebration went well

    Wow! The last few weeks have been a whirlwind! (Silence… Staring… Fingers perched on the keyboard…) That just about says it all… Two exciting things happened the week of July 29. Actually, one was not so exciting. I received my first copies of “No Time to Quit” and found out I have shingles. I’m not […]

  • I’m onto the next step!

    Decisions have been made, edits are done and the manuscript for “No Time to Quit” has been submitted for formatting! After the last few weeks doing nothing but working, editing the book and basic survival necessities, today was an exciting day! Maybe I should back up a little bit. The manuscript went through an editorial […]

  • Which photo would catch your eye first?

    Things are progressing with the book publishing, and I am again looking for some input. I have two photos that I am considering for the front cover of the book. Though I have already pretty much made up my mind which I want to use, I would like to know which you would pick up […]

  • I’m off and running!

    I am finally publishing my book, which has kept me very busy over the last few weeks! Though I never thought I would work with self publishing, that is the direction I am going. I had never wanted my work associated with self publishing, except in the book arts arena. I worked at a small […]