• A Moment Stopped

    Water droplet imprints on my glasses The sky swollen with dark gray clouds I smile Inside my heart dances as mist washes away the drabness and consistency of life The slats sigh resistance as I step onto the boardwalk Ripples on the lake slap each other as they run away from raindrops Drought exposed thick, […]

  • What do You Collect?

    Declutter and simplify. Those words are thrown around everywhere right now. There are people who make a living showing us how to declutter, simplify and organize. I’m not one to jump on a fad wagon, but the urge to get rid of things has been pretty strong lately, especially things that I have been storing […]

  • Creativity a part of survival

    Creativity a part of survival

    Creativity. Life has a way of crowding out creativity. But what is life if not creative?   Survival. Survival at the mercy of our society’s structure.   But there are those who don’t survive very well without following the creative impulses, whether they lead to inventing, or organizing, or creating beauty through words, color or […]

  • Being a Mother

    Late again! I know Mother’s Day was yesterday. No matter what my true intentions are, I’m chronically three to five minutes late in getting somewhere, and at times a day late or a dollar short when it comes to acknowledging special days and events. My husband says he knows how I LIKE to do things, […]

  • What does Easter mean to you?

    Tell me what Easter means to you.              

  • Little wonders

    Little wonders

    Finding the right words is a challenge today, as I spent the majority of my work day learning bookkeeping at the Home Depot where I work. The trainer is good, and I am catching on fast, but it is draining on the brain. I am now at home browsing through the photos I took on […]