• Life Seasons

    Life Seasons, a new collection of poems by Gail Lipe to be released on May 9. This book takes you on a journey through the seasons of life, from summer’s nurturing, to fall’s loss, to the darkness of winter and finally the hope of spring. At once beautiful, somber, piercing and joyful, Life Seasons’ accessible […]

  • Creativity a part of survival

    Creativity a part of survival

    Creativity. Life has a way of crowding out creativity. But what is life if not creative?   Survival. Survival at the mercy of our society’s structure.   But there are those who don’t survive very well without following the creative impulses, whether they lead to inventing, or organizing, or creating beauty through words, color or […]

  • Taking time out for creativity

    As I write this I hear a pop, then another, then another. That means the effort I put forth this afternoon chopping peppers, garlic, tomatoes and onions to make salsa worked! The seals are taking hold, and I will be able to move the jars into the cupboard. A successful project! A couple of weeks […]