New Gardening Experiment

Have you seen the info on straw bale gardening? I like lasagna gardening because I don’t really like to dig, but this year, I chose to experiment. Since I have never grown anything in a straw bale, I purchased one bale and placed it in the corner of my garden. I added about an inch of compost and then proceeded to plant my zucchini on and near the bale. The finishing touch was watering it well. So far, the plants look good.


Straw bale gardening

The wire cage to the left of the bale is an old display from work that I am using to support the pea plants. I put it in the ground about an inch down and then planted the peas. With the cool weather we are having, the peas should still do very well.

The only problem with this consistent rain is the timing. It seems like the nice days I’m at work and the rainy days I am at home. I don’t have to water, but I am finding it hard to finish the yard and garden. The mulch is still in bags on my front step and my tomatoes are still in the flat.


Hopefully, I will be able to finish what I started soon. Otherwise the season will be gone. Blink and I will miss it.